
In this time of unpredictability, I realized that I am quite a predictable being (I wonder if that will change due to our current circumstances). My predictablity was realized when I missed two Saturdays in a row of blogging! While I am somewhat embarassed to admit this, it really made me realize I depend on routines and apparently my Saturday routine is to completely check out of the electronic world and that is actually something I am proud to admit. Why is it that six days a week I check email and social media hourly, but not on Saturday? Seems that on Saturday, my routine is typically to be outdoors, tackling projects with my husband, and generally so tired by the time I sit down at night that I have no desire to touch an electronic device. While I do feel bad about missing my Saturday blogs, and I will truly try harder next Saturday, I wouldn’t give up my predictable Saturday for anything!

Published by hollysqrd

I am a third grade teacher in northwestern Wisconsin. I enjoy being outdoors with my family fishing on Lake Superior, snowshoeing, and riding motorcycles. I enjoy my own quiet time in the garden, digging in the dirt, and growing delicious vegetables!

4 thoughts on “Predictable

  1. What a rich habit to have. Those sacred, electronic-free, Saturdays are not to be tampered with. What an insightful slice. Thank you!


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